The second day in Rome was a half day, we needed to catch the train to Milan at 3pm and honestly the trains here in Europe are wonderful. We went to the
Coliseum (which we could see from our hotel) and the forum. This was so impressive and I
really wish I could see it when it was at its peak.

I tried taking two photos of the area and put the together I overlapped some but you get the idea
The side of the
Coliseum the holes are where they chipped the exterior away to use for other buildings mostly in St Peter's square

this was the floor those ruins were put in 10 years after it was originally built before then it was hallow and could be filled with water to
reenact ship battles.
Closer look at the ruins under the floor

a view from the top of the Forum

This was called "The Arena" not sure what it was used for.
I thought this ruin was cool looking

one of the
buildings from the forum