Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rome part 2

The second day in Rome was a half day, we needed to catch the train to Milan at 3pm and honestly the trains here in Europe are wonderful. We went to the Coliseum (which we could see from our hotel) and the forum. This was so impressive and I really wish I could see it when it was at its peak.

I tried taking two photos of the area and put the together I overlapped some but you get the idea

The side of the Coliseum the holes are where they chipped the exterior away to use for other buildings mostly in St Peter's square

this was the floor those ruins were put in 10 years after it was originally built before then it was hallow and could be filled with water to reenact ship battles.
Closer look at the ruins under the floor

a view from the top of the Forum

This was called "The Arena" not sure what it was used for.
I thought this ruin was cool looking

one of the buildings from the forum

Monday, January 24, 2011

AWW Roma

Italy part 1:

This week I had a meeting in Italy for my work, the meetings were in Milan, and so we decided to fly into Rome before taking the train into Milan. Rome is Aw some!!! I have pictures of the Vatican below, there will be other parts coming later.

This bowl is made up from a stone that no longer exists on earth it costs over 100 million dollars (saying this with my pinkie at my lips)

This was stolen from Egypt well taken I guess the Vatican cant steal.

Yep this is a dog feeding kids, I think it is a symbol of Rome of Cesar I cant remember my college class.

This was the palace of Stalin

I loved this ceiling, it was covered by paintings

The blue stone from this floor is from Haily's comet

This casket is made up from the same stone that the basin is made from.

This is a figure of the battle at Troy, this guy tried telling the Greeks that the horse was a trap and was dragged down by snakes sent by some god.

This is Apollo he had a bow originally, he has been castrated by one of the popes when he was offended by all the nudity in the Vatican so he took a hammer to all the male models

St Peters square, the square was built with stone from the coliseum

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mayson's baptism

So my oldest girl turned 8 and that means it is time for her to do something special in our family, get baptized. She was so excited leading up to the day and then when it arrived she was jumping all around. Our time spot was the last at 4:00 pm and an unusual occurrence she was the only one from our ward getting baptized so it was a very special day. Thanks for all the friends and family that made the trip, you made It very special for Mayson.

This is her pose, so grown up.

This is with Jen's grandpa and father with all the girls.

Both great grandparents, Mayson is lucky to have two Great grand fathers and two great grandmothers still with us.

I like this picture.

A neighbor made this cake for Mayson, it tasted great too.

Getting her first scriptures.

Opening her presents, thanks for everyone that got something for her she was so surprised.

Jordan with Aunt Becky and Uncle Craig.

My grandparents talking to Jen's dad.

We had a full house, it was so much fun.

My wife can throw a party