Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas season

I don't usually like to write alot with my blogs, as I am aware that the more I do the more opportunity I have to demonstrate to the world my biggest faults, but this Christmas season some things occurred to me that I feel I have to share. It started the day at work when we handed out gifts and the feelings that came when each of us received a thoughtful gift from a friend. That feeling continued to Christmas day when my lovely daughters were more excited to watch their sisters opened a present then to see what they got. I know that this time of year has been over commercialized but that doest matter to me. I felt the true meaning of Christmas this year and I hope you did to. If all you were concerned about was the value of the present you received then you really are missing out on the most valuable present of all, the gift of charity. Now please excuse all the faults in this rant I just felt like I needed to share my feelings this year. I know that most of you come here to see the pictures of the beautiful girls so I have included some. I love you all and hope that you have a great 2009.


Tooele Brezoff said...

The photos are darling! That was a rant? I think you need to check out a few of my posts about walmart thoes are rants!

Kory Jane said...

I can't believe there is a new post!! I am so proud of you Thor. I hope to see more photo's soon though...

Anonymous said...

Now that I have picked myself off of the floor (the shock of a new blog was too much), I have to say that I agree. For the past 3-4 months I have felt so eternally grateful for all that I have. As I opened my gifts, I was touched by the thought that went into them. To me that is the best gift. Next year it would be nice if everyone made that a goal of theirs - Put thought and love into your giving, just as our Heavenly Father does. Cute pictures!!!!

The Thompson Family said...

I enjoyed you blog Thor. You have such a beautiful family. We love you all and hope you had a great Christmas.