Ok I got this in an email and I thought I would post it for fun
49 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 49 things about your friends, and let them learn 49 things about you!
> 1. Do you like blue cheese?
Yes I do
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
Lol I would have to smoke a cigarette first it think
3. Do you own a gun? Yes
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? I add vanilla if I ever go
> 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Only when they are taking something from my head
> 6. What do you think of hot dogs? If its braughts then mmmmmm
7. Favorite Christmas song? O holy night
> 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? MILK
9. Can you do push ups? Yes every day
10. What do you order at Starbucks? Carmel apple cider its delicious
> 11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My watches
> Favorite hobby? golfing
13.How do you eat your eggs? Scrambled
14. Do you have A.D.D.? Well I don’t know see sometimes I do seem to Im sorry what was the question ok yeah ADD I thought its now called ADHD I mean that’s what my therapist says and shes a nice lady doesn’t talk much I love talking, talking is my favorite
15. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? My grasp of the English language
16. Middle name? Sheldon
17. Favorite book? Wow I don’t know probably right now harry potter 4
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: sammies, a mouse pad with kittens on it and weed killer
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: water, diet mt. dew, and milk
20. Currently worried about right now? About the work flow in my job
21. Current hate right now?? I don’t hate much I think it’s a waste of time
22. Favorite place to be? Home with my fam
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Drinking sparkling cider with my wife
24. Where would you like to go? Cancun
> 25. Name three people who will complete this: Why is this question asked??? Its pointless( I just agree with T)
26. Do you own slippers? Nope my feet are too big it looks funny
27. What shirt are you wearing? Blue sweater
> 28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never have so cant say I guess so though
29. Favorite Movie? Don’t have one
> 30. Favorite color? blue
> 31. Would you be a pirate? Of course but I don’t think I could swing to the other ship very well
> 32. What songs do you sing in the shower? What ever song was on the alarm
33. Favorite girls name? Mayson, Ashlynne, Jordan, and Jennifer
34. Favorite Website? ESPN
35. Any Tattoo's? Nope almost though
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Talking with my wife about gay pirates and mermaids and then coming up with a new alcoholic beverage name (fruity piraide) Don’t ask
37. Best bed sheets as a child? My star wars ones
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Either my torn quad or back
> 40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4
> 41. Who is your loudest friend? Im pretty loud
42. How many dogs do you have? 0
> 43. Who do you hope has a crush on you? Jared Letto so I could make my wife jealous J/K
44. Who is your favorite author? Don’t have one
45. What is your favorite candy? Im more salty so the question should be fav snack and its pretzels
> 46. Favorite Sports Team? Da Bears
47. What is your favorite song? Raisins by BNL (that’s for you T)
48. What were you doing 12 AM last? Drooling
49. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Really??? Im glad its still dark at 5:15