Monday, January 24, 2011

AWW Roma

Italy part 1:

This week I had a meeting in Italy for my work, the meetings were in Milan, and so we decided to fly into Rome before taking the train into Milan. Rome is Aw some!!! I have pictures of the Vatican below, there will be other parts coming later.

This bowl is made up from a stone that no longer exists on earth it costs over 100 million dollars (saying this with my pinkie at my lips)

This was stolen from Egypt well taken I guess the Vatican cant steal.

Yep this is a dog feeding kids, I think it is a symbol of Rome of Cesar I cant remember my college class.

This was the palace of Stalin

I loved this ceiling, it was covered by paintings

The blue stone from this floor is from Haily's comet

This casket is made up from the same stone that the basin is made from.

This is a figure of the battle at Troy, this guy tried telling the Greeks that the horse was a trap and was dragged down by snakes sent by some god.

This is Apollo he had a bow originally, he has been castrated by one of the popes when he was offended by all the nudity in the Vatican so he took a hammer to all the male models

St Peters square, the square was built with stone from the coliseum


Kory Jane said...

So I can't even tell you how jealous I am of you going there. I should have got a job with you. Hurry home we miss you on Black Ops. Love you and Happy Birthday big guy.

Anonymous said...

Thor - where did the stone go to? Why is there no more of it? I loved the pictures. I too am very envious and I loved your commentary!!!

Thor'sblog said...

The stone just ran out, it was only mined in one place here is Europe and it is gone now (as far as we know) cool huh.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a meteor(sp?) fell there.